What's happening
Freshwater fish and amphibians on Australian Islands are understudied, underappreciated, and under threat.
Check out our new preprint here: https://doi.org/10.32942/X28P81
The fish in the photo is the beautiful Rhadinocentrus ornatus, an IUCN-listed vulnerable species that can be found in warm and peaty wallum wetland habitats on the sandy islands near our home base in SE QLD, Australia.
image: Leo O/iNaturalist.org. CC BY NC 4.0
duckweed DNA is done!
Tim has completed the field and molecular work to determine within- and between-pond diversity in multiple species of duckweed. Not easy work, Tim, but a nice foundation for the rest of your PhD.
Wilma and Hannah and Rich are on their reconnaissance mission to Ghana.
And I’m super jealous.
How do real heatwaves affect real ecological systems in real time?
Harrah Friedlander is busy setting up a big mensurative experiment across multiple shaded and unshaded stream reaches across SE QLD in one of very few studies explicitly designed to quantify the effects of naturally-occurring heatwaves in real time. Super excited about this project, and appreciative of the hard work it is going to take.
Ecological Society of Australia Meeting
Harrah, Jordan, Justine, and Simon attended the 2024 ESA meeting in Melbourne. Honestly, before the conference, I wasn’t feeling it. But ended up having a great time. Caught up with lots of friends and colleagues, and conferences have a way of reinforcing - in the most motivating of ways - that you are part of something bigger.
Sam tops the year!
Sam - who has the most amazing knowledge of, and curiosity for, all things freshwater (but mostly fish) - received First Class Honours and the highest grade for his Honours research among the 2024 cohort. Please, someone, offer this man a PhD scholarship!
Society for Conservation Biology Freshwater Working Group
We’re getting things moving again. The premier professional society for conservation biology needs a strong voice for arguably the most imperiled biome of all - freshwaters. Simon and Harrah have just been named as President (interim) and Secretary (interim) of Society’s Freshwater Working Group. Great timing as we lead into the International Congress for Conservation Biology in Brisbane next year. If you would like to get involved in this initiative, please let us know.
Seminar at QUT for Applied Mathematical Ecology Group
Simon is giving a seminar to the Applied Mathematical Ecology Group at Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
Ecosystem changes caused by hydrological change are associated with population decline in a formerly-common grazing herbivore
Accepted for publication in Ecosystems. Our new paper demonstrates how the effects of hydrological changes from dam construction altered one of the biggest wetlands in the world and ultimately contributed to an 80% decline in numbers of the now-threatened endemic Kafue lechwe.
Hannah Rigney is our new PhD student!
After working as an environmental consultant (one of many common themes in our lab) at Attexo Hannah joins the lab as our new PhD student. We’re developing Hannah’s project now (which is the fun part) but it looks she will explore an often forgotten component of biodiversity conservation in cocoa agro-ecosystems in West Africa - the plants!
The lab is growing. Wanna join?
Nonno Hasegawa visiting
PhD candidate Nonno Hasegawa is visiting our lab this week on an OIST-sponsored Institutional Visit.
ARC Discovery Project team meeting
Fun and productive meeting with Ass. Prof Rachel Germain and Prof. Adam Siepielski together with our amazing team of PhD students. Momentum is building, which is both exciting and a relief.
Invited seminar and collaboration in Japan
Simon visited the National Institute of Genetics (国立遺伝学研究所) in Japan for a seminar, and to progress a collaboration on the dynamics of rank abundance with Ass. Prof. Masato Yamamichi (NIG) and Ass. Prof. David Armitage (OIST).
Jordan Drochmann is a 2024 UQ Global Change Scholar
Congratulations to Jordan Drochmann who has been selected to be part of The University of Queensland Global Change Scholars Programduring her PhD. The scholarship is a highly prestigious award, with only 30 students across all University faculties and institutes invited to participate in the program.